To My Son, Before Kindergarten II

I’m posting a few days early this year, because I am terrified that this will be lost in the rush of the first days of school. My sweet third child is often the stopping point for traditions I thought would carry on forever and I don’t want this to be one of them. So on this last Sunday night before school begins on Wednesday, I collected my thoughts for him.

Dear Son,

Oh, my sweet and spicy third born child, I cannot believe we are already here.

I have such a jumble of emotions right now. On one hand, the mama melancholy is strong. Kindergarten marks the beginning of your new journey. From here on out, you’re off having adventures all day long, five days a week. And every year seems to go a little faster, stealing away snuggles and lovies and replacing them with “bruh” and “sus.”

But on the other hand, for my child that is most like me, I am so very excited. You are my extra-extrovert; my wild child who makes friends everywhere you go. Walking down the halls of your preschool with you was like being in the presence of a celebrity – it seemed like everyone knew your name. And even though you taught your best friend a fun phrase I pray you never again repeat, your teachers assured me you were always a joy and a helper. I know you will LOVE Kindergarten and will thrive in the active, social environment. I see you craving that daily excitement and struggling with behavior in its absence.

Keep saving your worst for me. I can take it. The Rammer family bubble is your safe space to get frustrated and lose your temper. We’ll keep helping you get it together and we (ok, mostly your Dad) will be your calm. And before you venture onto the bus you’ve watched come and go for years, there are a few things I want to tell you.

1.     You have incredible power. People want to be around you and they want to be like you. Keep using that power for good. Be the example of someone who doesn’t leave anyone out or build themselves up by putting someone else down. And take it one step further by being the guy who stands up for those that are left out or put down. It costs you nothing to be kind.

2.    On the flip side, you don’t always have to be in charge. Learn to enjoy sharing that role. (Wait, am I talking to you or me, ha? I told you that we are alike.) Other people have amazing ideas and can pick the game or come up with the answers, too.

3.    Please, please, please don’t repeat any more of Mommy’s grown-up words at school.

4.    Sometimes things are hard the first time you try them but then turn out to be totally awesome. The first time you picked up a baseball bat, you could barely swing and look at you now! Don’t shut down when something doesn’t come easily to you. It will be worth the work.

5.    I’ve told your brother and sister this one, but somehow I know you will have the hardest time with it: your new friends might have different rules at home than we do. That’s okay and it doesn’t make them wrong. Different families need different rules. But it also doesn’t mean we’ll be changing ours anytime soon.

So, like your sister and brother before you, you are ready. I pray that you love the challenge of school and learning new things as much as you will love the time with your friends. I will be waiting to hear EVERYTHING at the end of your first day!

I love you so much, Bubby!

Love, Mom



Emily Ramquist